1. Today is the First Sunday of Lent and today's readings pose questions concerning our covenantal relationship with God. Jesus enters the desert, a metaphor for a place of testing. It is an apt symbol for Lent, a time of testing for which the exam question is clear: How is our covenant with God going so far?
2. During the season of Lent the Way of the Cross will be conducted on Mondays at 6:30 pm in Konkani followed by Mass in English, On Fridays in English conducted by the Various Communities after the 7 pm mass and on Sundays after the 8:30 am mass followed by Sunday School.
3. The communities will conduct the Stations of the Cross on the following dates:
23rd February - Zone 2
1st March - Zone 3
8th March - Zone 4
15th March - Zone 5
22nd March - Zone 6
4. During the season of Lent we will be taking pilgrimages to Khandala, Igatpuri and Vasai. These will be day-long pilgrimages and will be at subsidised costs. The first pilgrimage is on the 2nd of March - Satyagiri Dominican Retreat Centre, Igatpuri. The second is on the 9th of March - House of Prayer - Khandala and the 3rd Pilgrimage to Vasai is on the 23rd of March. Please reserve your seat with a subsidised cost of Rs 200/- (this includes travel and meals). You may reserve your seat and make your payment to Ms Freda at the KG office.
5. We are introducing the concept of the giving box. The idea is that our sacrifice and fasting should benefit others. The box placed near the altar is meant to remind us that we are called to reach out to those in need. Your contribution placed in this box will be matched by the Church and in the Easter season we will have the second round of the feeding project as done earlier during the World Day of the Poor
6. Bombay Catholic Sabha Head Office Mahim and BCS Rosary Church Dockyard Unit have organised a Talk on voter awareness, Verification & Enrolment as Voters for the upcoming Elections. There will be prominent Leaders and Activists who will share their valuable knowledge. This will be held on Sunday 18th February at 11.00 am in the School Hall. All parishioners are requested to attend this talk.
7. On Thursday 22nd February at the 7 pm Mass Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to 12 of our confirmandi. We invite you to please keep them in prayer.
8. The Collections are as follows:
a. Holy Childhood collection was Rs.17480/-
b. Sunday 11th Feb Rs 28390/-
c. Mission Sunday Stalls Rs 93890/-. We thank you for your generosity.1.
