1. Today is the third Sunday of Lent and the readings invite us into the sacred presence of Christ and to cleanse our hearts. May this season of Lent be a divine opportunity to grow in holiness through our Lenten observance of prayer, fasting, abstinence and charity.
2. The next Stations of the Cross in English will conducted by Zone 4 on the 8th of March.
3. Those who wish to make the Pilgrimage to Vasai please reserve your seat and make your payment of Rs 200/- to Ms Freda at the KG office.
4. We have introduced the concept of the giving box. The idea is that our sacrifice and fasting should benefit others. The box near the altar is meant to remind us that we are called to reach out to those in need. Your contribution placed in this box will be matched by the church and in the Easter season we will have the second round of the feeding project as done earlier during the World Day of the Poor. For convenience, we have put a QR code on the box for those who want to make an electronic transfer. Please indicate the cause in your transactions.
5. The Examiner Catholic newsweekly of the Archdiocese of Bombay is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year. We thank all our faithful readers and patrons. The March 9 issue will be a special commemorative issue and will be available at the regular cover price. Please get in touch with the Examiner to book your copies
6. The Women's Cell of Rosary parish unit, welcomes you all to a special Eucharistic service followed by Stations of the Cross on Women's Day, Friday 8th March at 7 pm.
7. To celebrate Women's Day, the Women's Cell is also organising a Ferry boat party for all the women of our parish, aged 16 and above. This will be held on Saturday 16th March from 4:30 pm to 8 pm. You can register for this get-together, in the parish office with a registration fee of Rs. 50/- per head. The last date for registration is 10th March.
8. We are introducing a tradition of the church practice during Lent called the Passo service. This will be part of the liturgy on Saturday 9th and 16th March
9. On Sunday 24 March Palm Sunday we are planning a special Lenten mission which includes music, prayer, reflections and a live tableau. We invite all parishioners to attend and be part of this mission. Details will be circulated shortly via your PPC members
10. 17th March is the last day of Sunday school. We will end the Sunday school with a half-day recollection to help our children understand the Holy Triduum. We will begin the recollection right after the Children’s mass. The details of the recollection will be communicated to you by your catechist.
11. We request the parents of those who received 1st holy communion to collect their certificates from the parish office on any weekday during office timings.
12. The collection on Sunday 25th February was ₹30980/-. We thank you for your generosity
