1. Today is the third Sunday of Lent, the readings of today invite us into an encounter with Christ, who does hold our past against us, but calls us to restore our relationship with him and embrace the gift of living waters and eternal life
2. The Schedule of the Community Station of the Cross is 17th March - zone 5, 24th March - zone 4, 31st March - zone 1, and 2&3.
3. You are invited to participate in the Annual walking pilgrimage to the Mount. It will be flagged off by Cardinal Gracias on Saturday 18th March at 10:30 pm from Cross maidan and will conclude with the Eucharist at the Basilica of Mount Mary which will be celebrated by Bishop John.
4. We thank all those who were involved with the Women’s Day celebration on Tuesday 7th March. Thank you for making it a memorable evening.
5. Those who have registered for the first Pilgrimage for Senior Citizens to Khandala on the 17th of March. Kindly note, please be present at the Church at 6:30 am. You can have your Breakfast or carry it with you and have it at the first rest stop. A simple vegetarian Lunch and Tea will be provided. Once we reach the house of Prayer at Khandala we will have a Lenten talk, followed by the stations of the Cross and then the Eucharist. Time will be given for silent prayer and adoration. After Lunch, we pray the Rosary together at the Rosary Garden, before having tea and departing back to Dockyard. Please carry water and a Cap. For those who still wish to come, we have 8 seats left please register at the Parish office by Sunday 12th March at the latest. The registration fee is Rs 100.
6. The next pilgrimage is on the 21st of March to the Dominican Spirituality Centre at Igatpuri. We will leave and 7 am and should return by 7 pm. Please register your selves with Ms Freda at the KG office. The registration fee is Rs 100. The last date for Registration is Sunday 19th March
7. The Final Pilgrimage is visiting 7 churches in the Bhandayar deanery and the shrine at Bhate Bunder (Uttan ). This is Scheduled for Wednesday 29th March - Please note the change of date necessitated because of the Chrism Mass on the 30th. Please register your selves with the Parish office. The registration fee is Rs 100. The last date for Registration is Sunday 26th March.
8. There will be a special free medical camp with ECG, Cardiac care, diabetes check-up and eye check-up on Sunday, March 19th from 10 am to 2 pm. The details are on the Banner put up on the Church’s main gate.
9. Confessions for Easter will be on the 3rd and 4th of April from 5 pm to 9 pm.
10. The First Friday collection on 3rd March was Rs. 10911/- Sunday collection on 5th March was Rs 37840/-Collection We thank you for your generosity.
