1. Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent, the readings of today invite us to die to what causes us to decay, may we allow the lord to roll away the tombstone of our sins, which separate us from him, and rise to the newness of Life offered through his salvific act
2. The Schedule of the Community Station of the Cross is 31st March - zone 1, and 2&3.
3. Those who have registered for the Final Pilgrimage which is visiting 7 churches in the Bhandayar deanery and the shrine at Bhate Bunder (Uttan ) are requested to assemble in the Church on the 29th at 6:30 am. The Busses will depart at 7:00 a.m. You will be provided with breakfast and tea along the way. You are requested to carry your lunch with you. Please carry water and a Cap.
4. The Rosarian Youth group invites all the youth of our Parish for "Under the Stars 2.0" a night vigil that will commence on the 31st of March from 9.30 pm to 5.00 am. This is a special vigil for those in the age group of 15 years to 30 years and will help in understanding and participating more fully in the Easter Triduum. Requesting all youth to come in large numbers and register for the same. The registration fee is Rs. 50 per head.
5. The Catechism Students will have their Lenten Recollection on 26th March after the 8.30 am mass. Please make sure that the children carry a pen and a bottle of water with them. This is a special interactive recollection; we understand that exams are around the corner but this will be a wonderful experience to help the children grow in their faith and we encourage parents to please send their children for this Annual Recollection.
6. Confessions for Easter will be on the 3rd and 4th of April from 5 pm to 9 pm.
7. The Holy week Schedule is displayed on the Banner near the Church entrance and the Parish council members will also give you a leaflet of the program.
8. The Lenten Alms collected this year have been earmarked for St Pius X College, Goregaon – the Archdiocesan Seminary of Bombay and goes towards the formation of Priests. Your Parish council members will give you an Envelope for Lenten alms, one for each family. Please put your contributions and drop them in the box kept in front of the Altar. If you wish to give a cheque you may do so in the name of the Archdiocese of Bombay. Please be generous
9. Don Bosco College for Hospitality Studies has opened admission for the year 2023-2024. Please look up the notice board for details.
10. Next Sunday 2nd April is Palm Sunday, the masses are as follows: 7 am Mass in English. 8:15 am Blessing of the Palms at the Grotto followed by a procession to the Church and then at 8:30 am Mass in English, 10 am Mass in English, and 6 pm Mass in English.
11. We would like to provide hampers and an Easter meal for those in need. For members of the Christian Community, we will provide a meal for the family and provision which we estimate to be Rs 1500/- If you wish to sponsor a hamper, you can hand it over to any of the Parish Fathers or to the Parish Office. We hope to give 50 such hampers.
12. In collaboration with Vimala Vikas Kendra, on the occasion of Maundy Thursday the Lord’s Last Supper we would like to give provision to the needy of the slums. A list of provisions required can be viewed on the notice board, you could make the hamper and give it to the VVK office or make a contribution for the hamper valued at Rs 750/- to any of the Parish Fathers / Sisters or to the VVK Office. We hope to give 100 such hampers. We appeal to your generosity.
13. Those who ordered their spectacles or are to receive their blood test reports may collect the same from the Vimala Vikas office.
14. The Sunday collection on 29th March was Rs 24235/- We thank you for your generosity.
