1. Today is the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time. The widow in today’s gospel gives all she has. Her generosity shows that true giving comes from the heart, not from excess. May we all have generous hearts
2. To support the missions we will be organising breakfast stalls put up by the communities. This Sunday 10th November the associations will be putting up the breakfast stalls. Next Sunday we welcomed the CSA and the Nirmala Niketan Community College to put up their stalls.
3. The Parish Council will meet on Wednesday 13th November after the Evening Mass in the Kg Classroom.
4. We will begin our Parish Visitation on Monday 11th and 12th November. We will begin by visiting families in Zone 6. We the fathers are coming to spend time with you and your family and bless your houses. Let your animators know if you would like us to hear the confession of any housebound members of your family and community. While we appreciate your hospitality please do not offer us anything to eat or drink. It will be our joy to spend time with your family.
5. This year as part of our Outreach we are planning to celebrate Children’s day with the children of Our Lady’s home Parel. Those who would like to assist or sponsor any part of this program are requested to get int ouch with Fr. Merwyn or Shanti Monterio. We plan this activity and outreach for November 15th.
6. The Bombay Catholic Sabha will assist you in the correction of Election Card. This is for the upcoming Elections. You may contact Joe at the church office, Freda at the KG office or Tony Coutinho with your details.
7. As a part of our preparations for the Jubilee year 2025, the Archdiocese is focusing on the documents of the 2nd Vatican Council. To offer direction and guidance to the faithful in the Archdiocese of Bombay, informative videos illustrating the Constitutions of Vatican II will be played on Sundays after the announcements Today after the announcements we will screen the Video on Gaudium et spes The Church in the Morden world.
8. The Vimala Vikas Kendra along with the dimensions Global Chambers of commerce is organising free medical camp on the 10th of November from 10:30 to 2:30 pm. All are welcome.
9. The Collection on Sunday 3rd November was Rs 31600/, the 1st Friday collection on 1st November Rs 12360 and the box collection for All Souls Day was Rs 17500/- - We thank you for your generosity.
