Today is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, we reflect on God’s support, and the significance of Jesus as the bread of life. Today we celebrate Prison Ministry Sunday in the Archdiocese. On this occasion, we recall the sacrificial life of St. Maximillian Kolbe, the patron saint of Prison Ministry. May we be filled with the fire of love, and zeal to work selflessly, serving our society, especially those in prison.
We thank you for the love and blessings you poured on us during Vianney Sunday. We Parish Fathers are truly grateful and blessed with your goodness
Our Parish through the Vimala Vikas is involved in Prison Ministry at the Dongri remand home. We need volunteers who would be comfortable visiting the home and offering their services. Those interested please contact Sr. Florina Joseph.
A Special Scholarship in memory of the late Mr Mervyn and Mrs Felicia Valladares, has been instituted by the family in remembrance of their parents. This scholarship is for the education of any girl child for academic excellence. This scholarship will be given on 8th September. Application forms are available with the Parish office from 18th August. The last date for submission is 30th August.
We have begun the preparations for the Jubilee year 2025. The first year of Preparation is to understand the documents of the 2nd Vatican Council. To offer direction and guidance to the faithful in the Archdiocese of Bombay, informative videos illustrating the Constitutions of Vatican II will be played on Sundays after the announcements Throughout the year, diverse activities for children and youth will be launched. We encourage you to participate in these programs. Today after the announcements we will screen the Video on Divine Revelation
We hope you have received the envelope towards the Sick and retired priest. Please drop your contributions in the boxes near the altar. Those who would like to make their contribution by cheque may do so in the name of the “Archdiocese of Bombay”. Please mention your PAN number and address for the purpose of receipts. Please note this is a voluntary collection.
Thursday 15th August is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as Independence Day. It is a day of obligation, Mass will be at 7 am, 8:30 am and 10 am. The Mass in the evening is at 7 pm. Please note the Mass timings
Next Sunday is celebrated as Justice Sunday in our Archdiocese.
The Goan Cultural Association of Rosary Parish is having a Thanksgiving Mass at 10 am followed by a cultural programme in our church on Sunday, 18th August 2024 to celebrate World Goa Day. Passes are available with the members at the Parish Office. For more details please look up the notice board.
The collections are as follows First Friday Rs 8730, Box collection Rs 24150, Sunday 4th August was Rs. 28330 - We thank you for your generosity.