Today is the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. The reading of today describes Jesus’ baptism by John, symbolizing His identification with humanity, His submission to God’s will, and the beginning of His public ministry.
Parish visitation will be of Zone 2 on Tuesday, 14th January, and Wednesday, 15th January, 2025. Your animators will inform you which houses will be visited. The visits will be from 7:30 to 10 pm. Please do inform your Parish Council members if anyone requires communion and/or confession.
Next Sunday, 19th January, we celebrate Vocation Sunday. We as a parish will place our intercession to Our Lady as we gather at the Grotto on Saturday, 18th January, after the evening mass, and collectively pray the Rosary for the specific intention of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. On Sunday, Br. William and the sisters will briefly share their vocation story after communion.
We will be having a get-together for all the PPC members, SCC animators, and office bearers of the various associations in the Rosary School Hall on the 17th of January 2025. Those who would like to join request you to kindly register your name with your zonal PPC members; Sunday, 12 January, is the last day.
In our endeavor to support the missions, we will organize breakfast stalls put up by the communities. This weekend, Zone 2 will put up the stall after the Saturday evening mass. Zone 5, along with Zone 2, will put up stalls post the morning masses on Sunday. Kindly patronise the stalls.
On Sunday, 26th January, we celebrate Republic Day. The national flag will be hoisted after the 7 am mass. We also celebrate this Sunday as the word of God Sunday. The Bible will be enthroned at the 8:30 am mass.
The collection on Sunday, 5th January, was Rs. 25030, and the collection on the first Friday was Rs. 7070/- We thank you for your generosity.
