1. Today is the second Sunday in Ordinary the readings invite us to listen to God's voice and participate in his mission. May we take up Christ's invitation to Come and See.
2. Please drop your contribution towards the Camping against Hunger and disease in the various boxes in the Church.
3. The next group of Children for 1st holy communion will start shortly. Parents are requested to give the names of their Children with their original Baptism Certificate to the Parish Office. The child should be currently Studying in the 3rd STD.
4. As a part of our continued support of the mission, various communities and families of our parish are putting up breakfast stalls. Today The members of Zone 6 and Zone 4 invite you all to patronize their food stalls after the 8.30 am and 10 am mass. We also invite you to come and have fun at the live breakfast counter and karaoke session after the 10 am mass. The proceeds will go towards the missions.
5. We as a parish will be celebrating the Joy of Being a Family on February 4th 2024, our annual SSC day and we invite all children youth and adults to participate. Your Parish Councillors will shortly approach you for registration with a nominal registration fee. It is a day of Prayer Fellowship learning and Fun as we Celebrate the Joy of Belonging to the Rosarian Family. More details will be circulated via a poster that will be circulated via WhatsApp.
6. As we are approaching VOCATION SUNDAY ON 21st JANUARY 2024, the Diocesan Vocation Service Centre has planned SEMEX an experiential weekend stay at the Goregaon seminary for all young men discerning their vocation to the priesthood. This is from Friday, Jan 19th to Sunday, Jan 21st. Those interested kind contact any one of the Parish Fathers
7. The Retrouvaille Weekend is a program for married couples to strengthen and deepen their marriages. The weekend is scheduled from 19-21 Jan. 2024. Those interested Contact any one of the Parish Fathers.
8. The December issue of the Rosarian happenings has been realised. You can access it on the link provided by your Parish council members
9. The Collections on 1st Friday was Rs8230/- and collection on Sunday 7th Jan was Rs 33810/- We thank you for your generosity
