1. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday, a day of rejoicing. The readings encourage us to find joy and hope in the coming of the Lord.
In our endeavour to support the missions, we will be organising breakfast stalls put up by the communities. This weekend we will have our Christmas Bazar.
3. Today we light the Candle of Joy, also known as the Shepherd’s Candle. This week, we celebrate the joy that the shepherds felt when they heard the good news of the Messiah’s birth. The wreath service will be a part of the 8:30 am mass.
We would like to give a festive hamper on Christmas to our less fortunate Brothers and sister. If any Parishioners wishes to sponsor a hamper, contact one of the Parish Fathers. We need to make 50 such hampers and meals and the approximate cost is Rs 1500/- each. If you wish to recommend any person or family to receive a hamper, please inform your Parish Council member or one of the Parish Fathers.
5. We congratulate Br. William Paul on his ordination to the diaconate and wish him all the best in his ministry
6. Today, Sunday the 15th, we begin our Novena in preparation of Christmas. Today at the 6 pm Sunday Eucharist we will reflect on the theme of Hope. We invite you all to participate in this spiritual preparation for Christmas. The Novena mass is in the evening at 6pm on Sundays and on week days at 7 pm. Please come and be a part of this spiritual journey.
7. Confession in preparation of Christmas is on the 18th and 19th of December. Please do avail of the opportunity to prepare ourselves and be in a state of grace before Christmas.
8. Every year, the Archdiocese of Bombay, through the Centre of Social Action (CSA), initiates the Advent Campaign Against Hunger and Disease (CAHAD) to support its various activities. We have provided you with envelopes through your parish council members. Please do make your contribution and drop it in the boxes placed in the church.
9. The Christmas Program Schedule and Masses are as follows: On 24th December, Christmas eve: 10:15 pm Carol Singing followed by Christmas Eve Service at 10:30 pm. On Christmas Day, the 07:00 am Mass is in Konkani. 8:30 am - Mass in English. 10:00 am - Mass in English. There will be No evening mass. Do join us for coffee and cake after the mass.
10. On the 28th of December the feast of the Holy Innocence, we will have the Sunday school Christmas party, followed by the Eucharist at 7 pm. We will have the blessing of the children at this mass.
11. We have started the distribution of the parish calendar to the community. We request you kindly take one. Should you need more Calendars please contact the parish office.
12. On the 31st Dec, morning masses will be at 7:00 am at 10:00 pm Holy Hour followed by New Year’s Eve Service. On 1st Jan—mass at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm—both masses are in English.
13. We invite families to prepare cribs in their homes; this year for the Crib Contest we have chosen the theme: “Welcome the Prince of Peace” Please submit your entries to the Parish office. We will inform you when the judges will come around to see your cribs.
14. A gentle reminder to come and experience the live crib on Sunday 22nd December, after the Novena mass in the Undercroft.
15. The collection on Sunday, 8th December, was Rs. 37260/-. We thank you for your generosity.
