1. Today is the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time and is celebrated by the universal church as World day of the poor. In his message for this World Day of the Poor, the Holy Father reiterates that "the poor hold a privileged place in God’s heart" and invites everyone to learn to pray for the poor and together with the poor, with humility and trust.
2. Wednesday 20th November is the state elections, we urge all parishioner to engage in their civil duty of voting. After the announcements we will screen a Short message on the election from His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias.
3. Next Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. After the 10 am mass, we will have a Holy Hour. At 5:45 pm we at Rosary Church will host the neighbouring Parishes for the Christ the King Adoration Service. The Adoration service is from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm. Please do join us in large numbers as this would be our humble expression of honouring Jesus as the King of our lives. Please note there will be no evening mass on Sunday 24th November.
4. In our endeavour to support the missions we will be organising breakfast stall put up by the communities. This Sunday we have welcomed the CSA and the Nirmala Niketan Community College to put up their stalls, next Sunday being Christ the King we will not be having any breakfast stalls
5. Parish Visitation on Monday 18th will be of families of Zone 5 and on 19th November we visit families in Zone 4. Your Parish Council members will inform you of the houses we will visit. We the fathers are coming to spend time with you and your family and bless your houses. Let your animators know if you would like us to hear the confession of any housebound members of your family and community. While we appreciate your hospitality please do not offer us anything to eat or drink. It will be our joy to spend time with your family.
6. As a part of our preparations for the Jubilee year 2025, the Archdiocese is focusing on the documents of the 2nd Vatican Council. To offer direction and guidance to the faithful in the Archdiocese of Bombay, informative videos illustrating the Constitutions of Vatican II will be played on Sundays after the announcements Today after the announcements we will screen the Video on Gaudium et Spes The Church in the Morden world.
7. We thank all the volunteers who helped organize the Children’s day program at Our Lady’s Home. Fr. Lawerence the Director at Our Lady’s Homes expressed his deepest appreciation for the commitment and dedication of all the volunteers and said that the children had a wonderful celebration. Thank you once again.
8. The Collection on Sunday 10th November was Rs 32910/- We thank you for your generosity.
