1. Today is the feast of the Pentecost, the birth of the Church, as promised by Jesus, the Holy Spirit descends on the disciples who in turn filled with that grace boldly proclaim the resurrected Christ to the ends of the earth. May we awaken to the gift and presence of the Holy Spirit within us.
2. A reminder of the Mass timings on Sundays during May. The Masses are at 7:30 am in English, 9:30 am in English and 6 pm. in English. This Schedule will be till Sunday 26th May.
3. We remind all Parishioners of their duty to vote on May 20th for the forthcoming elections. After the announcements, we make the prayer as requested by the Cardinal for the elections
4. CITIZENCREDIT CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD., for their Mumbai & Thane region branches, is looking to appoint Apprentices. For details visit their website / contact the nearest branch or refer to the notice board
5. St. Paul Institute of Communication Education invites applications from students pursuing media and management graduate and postgraduate courses. Registration links to apply are now open, please see the Church Notice board for the details.
6. The Sunday collection on May 12th was Rs. 33600
