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Announcements 1st September 22nd Sunday Ordinary time


1.         The readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B emphasise the importance of genuinely following Jesus in our hearts rather than merely going through the motions. Moses instructs the Israelites to faithfully obey God’s commands, while Jesus warns against prioritising human traditions over God’s commandments, urging us to internalize His teachings

2.         We have begun the novenas for the nativity of our blessed mother. The Novenas will start at 7 pm with a decade of the Rosary followed by the Novena Mass. On Sundays, the novena will be a part of our 8:30 Mass.   As a part of our outreach for the Novenas, we are responding to the needs of 2 homes. They are St. Anthony’s Home and St. Joseph’s Home as well as some families within our Parish. Our inquiries with them have provided a very specific list of requirements. For the sake of organisation, each community is allotted one day however, they are free to make contributions for more than 1 day. Since these are Homes it’s advisable for a community/ zone to contribute towards the offering so as to maintain uniformity. A token offering of the Community is to be offered at the offertory during the Mass. Your parish council members will approach you for your assistance. Please do extend your support to this endeavour. Please Look up the Notice Board for the days offering.

3.         On Thursday 5th September is Teachers Day. We will we celebrate it in our Parish on the 7th of September. We invite teachers of our Parish to join us in prayer at the Eucharist at 7 a.m. Followed by breakfast. We request the Parish council members to keep us informed about the number of teachers attending as we would like to provide them with breakfast after the mass.

4.         The Mass Dairy of October to December will open on 2nd September 2024

5.         Please note on account of the Novena for Nativity of Our Lady we will not have the Novena to the Perpetual Succour on Wednesday 4th September before the mass.

6.         Since this year the Novenas for the Nativity of Our lady focus on prayer and the need to pray we will have as a part of our novena preparation 15minutes before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a special child friendly prayer service before the blessed sacrament. This service is on September 6th which is the first Friday of the month. We will then have the Novena mass.

7.         The Parish council will meet on Tuesday 10th September in the Kg classroom after the mass.

8.         The collections are as follows Sunday 25 August  Rs 27540/--

a.         Clergy Fund Rs 2200/- in cash 

b.         Cheques Rs 5,000

The Total to date is (2 lakhs forty four thousand). We thank you for your generosity.




Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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