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Announcements 21st January 2024,The third Sunday Ordinary Time


1.         Today is the third Sunday in Ordinary time and is celebrated as vocation Sunday. The readings invite us to follow Jesus by living out our Baptismal promises.

2.         Today is also celebrated as Word of God Sunday. The word of God will be enthroned on the Altar as part of the 8:30 am mass. We pray that God's word will penetrate our hearts and transform our lives.

3.         The next group of Children for 1st holy communion will start shortly. Parents are requested to give the names of their Children with their original Baptism Certificate to the Parish Office. The child should be currently Studying in the 3rd STD.

4.         On the 26th of January we will join the school as they host the national flag after the 7:00 am mass.

5.         As a part of our continued support of the mission, various communities and families of our parish are putting up breakfast stalls. Today The members of Zone 5 invite you all to patronize their food stalls after the 8.30 am and 10 am mass. The proceeds will go towards the missions.

6.         We as a parish will be celebrating the Joy of Being a Family on February 4th 2024, our annual SSC day and we invite all children youth and adults to participate. Your Parish Councillors will shortly approach you for the registration fee of Rs 25/-. It is a day of Prayer Fellowship learning and Fun as we Celebrate the Joy of Belonging to the Rosarian Family. More details will be circulated via an e-poster.

7.         The Konkani mass which is at 7 am mass  will be on the 11th of February and not on the 4th of February

8.         There will be No Sunday school on the 4th of February  as we are having the SCC rally and family day

9.         The Collections are as follows:

a.         Campaign against Hunger and disease: Chq. 107,000/- cash 44170/-

b.         Box collection Rs 57610/-

c.         Sunday 14th Jan was Rs 32620/- /- We thank you for your generosity 




Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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