1. Today is the feast of Christ the King. The feast reminds us that Jesus came to bear witness to the truth and His truth guides us and sets us free.
2. Christ is indeed Our King, we as a parish will spend time acknowledging the Kingship of Christ through a holy Hour after the 10 am mass. At 5:45 pm we at Rosary Church will host the neighbouring Parishes for the Christ the King Adoration Service. The Adoration service is from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm. Please do join us in large numbers as this would be our humble expression of honouring Jesus as the King of our lives. Please note there will be no evening mass on Sunday 24th November.
3. In our endeavour to support the missions we will be organising breakfast stalls put up by the communities. Next Sunday Zone 3 will put up the breakfast Stall.
4. Parish Visitation on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th we will visit the remaining Families of Zone 4 and will begin with the families of Zone 3. Your Parish Council members will inform you of the houses that we will visit. We the fathers are coming to spend time with you and your family and bless your houses. Do let your animators know if you would like us to hear the confession of any housebound members of your family and community. While we appreciate your hospitality please do not offer us anything to eat or drink. It will be our joy to spend time with your family.
5. Bombay Catholic Sabha will be organising a seminar in the Undercroft on Property Redevelopment. The input will be given by Adv Godfrey Pimenta. This is on Sunday 8th December from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. All are invited.
6. Mass register for the new year from January 2025 to March 2025 will open on 02nd December 2024. Those who would like to book a Mass should come on Monday the 2nd of December from 10 am onwards.
7. The Christmas issue of the Examiner will be available from the 14th of December, those who wish to have a copy please book the same with the Parish Office. The Last day to book your copy with a fee of Rs 100 is November 30th.
8. The Senior Citizens group of our Parish will be hosting their annual Bumper Housie on Sunday 1st December in the Undercroft after the 10 am mass. All are invited.
9. The Collection on Sunday 17th November was Rs 31870/ /- We thank you for your generosity.
