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Announcements 25th December 2022, Christmas


1. On behalf of the Parish Fathers and Sister we wish you a very Happy and Joy-filled Christmas. May the babe of Bethlem bless you and your families. Please convey our wishes to those who are sick and home-bound. Please join us in the church compound to wish each other and for coffee and cake. Mass on Christmas morning is at 7 am mass in Konkani, 8:30 am and 10 am. There will be no evening mass.

2. Parish visitation, will resume in January. We will intimate you of the dates and time of the visit.

3. The Parish Council are requested to collect the Calendars and Eco-friendly bags and distribute them to their respective community members. Please take 1 calendar and bag per family. In case you require an additional calendar please contact the Parish office. Once we are done with the distribution, we will give those who request additional copies.

4. On Wednesday 28th December, the feast of the Holy Innocence we will have the Christmas party for the Sunday school children. At the 7 pm Mass, we will have a special blessing for the Children.

5. On 31st December we have a thanksgiving mass at 7 pm. At 10 pm we will have a Holy Hour to thank the Lord for the year gone by and seek his graces for the year ahead. This will be followed by the vigil mass for the Feast of the Mary Mother of God.

6. Those who wish to have a copy of The Examiners Christmas edition, can collect it from the Parish Office for Rs. 100/-

7. Every Year the Archdiocese launches a Campaign against Hunger and disease, the proceeds of which go towards the centre of social action (CSA). The Centre for Social Action (CSA) celebrates 25 years of reaching out to the poor and the vulnerable, the theme for this year's Advent Campaign Against Hunger and Disease is "Transforming Lives, Building Communities'. A Collection box marked ‘Campaign for Hunger and Disease’ along with envelopes are kept near the altar during Advent. The proceeds will be sent to the Centre for Social Action. You may also donate online via the website or drop a cheque in favour of the Centre of Social Action. Kindly be generous.

8. The Collections on Sunday 18th December was Rs 32010/- We thank you for your generosity.

9. On behalf of all Parish Team, we wish to place on record our deep appreciation, for all those who constantly assist us in our Ministry. We thank the Youth and confirmation Students for the Crib and the star. We thank the Altar servers, the Choir, the Sunday school teachers, the Parish Council member and the community animators. We thank the office staff Joe and David, and the church worker Augustine, Sebastian and Das for all their work in the church. We thank the sister for all their contributions to animating the community. We thank Freda, Sister Josephine and Fr. Merwyn for the floral decorations. We thank all the sponsors for the cake, hampers and provisions for Christmas Lunch, that we have been able to distribute. Our Thanks also go out to Rowena and Robert and Namrata for ensuring that the food project that provides a tiffin daily is always on track. Thanks to the police for the additional security and to you our dear parishioner for always enthusiastically supporting all the Pastoral and Social Projects of our Parish. God Bless you all.

Fr. Nigel Barrett.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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