1. On behalf of the Parish Fathers and Sister we wish you a very Happy and Joy-filled Christmas. May the babe of Bethlem bless you and your families. Please convey our wishes to those who are sick and home-bound. Please join us in the church compound to wish each other and for coffee and cake. Mass on Christmas morning is at 7 am mass in Konkani, 8:30 am and 10 am. There will be no evening mass.
2. Parish visitation, will resume in January. We will inform you of the dates and time of the visit.
3. The Parish Council are requested to collect the Calendars and CSA Envelopes and distribute them to their respective community members. Please take 1 calendar per family. In case you require an additional calendar please contact the Parish office. Once we are done with the distribution, we will give those who request additional copies.
4. On Thursday 28th December, the feast of the Holy Innocence we will have the Christmas party for the Sunday school children. At the 7 pm Mass, we will have a special blessing for the Children.
5. On behalf of all Parish Team, we wish to place on record our deep appreciation, for all those who constantly assist us in our Ministry. A Big thank you to Fr. Merwyn Shavito and Bro. Edward for always being ready and willing to engage in all the pastoral endeavours undertaken in our Church and to the Blessed Sacrament community for always being available to assist in the service of the community. A big thank you to Vilbert and the choir for leading us in prayer through their singing. We thank all the lectors and Eucharistic Ministers for enhancing the liturgy and taking our Lord Jesus to the Sick and housebound. We thank the Youth and confirmation Students guided by Sister Florina for the beautiful Crib. We thank the Altar servers, the Sunday school teachers, the Parish Council members and the community animators for all their service. We thank the office staff Joe and David, our Sacristan Rosario and the church workers Augustine, Sebastian and Das for all their work in the church. In a special way I would like to express my gratitude to David who has handled all the external decorations. We thank all the sisters for being so involved in the Pastoral ministry of our Parish and all their contributions to animating various communities. We thank Freda, Sister Josephine and Fr. Merwyn for the floral decorations. We thank all the sponsors for the cake, coffee, hampers and provisions for Christmas Lunch, that we will be distributing. Our Thanks also go out to Rowena Robert and Namrata for ensuring that the food project that provides a tiffin daily is always on track. Thanks to the police for the additional security and to you our dear parishioners for always enthusiastically supporting our Parish's Pastoral and Social Projects. God Bless you all and We wish you a Happy Christmas
