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Announcements 28th January 2024,The fourth Sunday Ordinary Time


1.         Today is the fourth Sunday in Ordinary time, Jesus teaches with authority and his word and touch bring us peace and liberation.

2.         As a part of our continued support of the mission, various communities and families of our parish are putting up breakfast stalls. Today The members of Zone 1 invite you all to patronize their food stalls after the 8.30 am and 10 am mass. The proceeds will go towards the missions.

3.         We as a parish will be celebrating the Joy of Being a Family on February 4th 2024, our annual SSC day and we invite all children youth and adults to participate. The program will begin with a special mass at 10 am, during which we will also renew marriage vows and pray for families. This is followed by a session and games in the undercroft. Your Parish Councillors will shortly approach you for a registration fee of Rs 25/- Details will be circulated via an e-poster.

4.         The Konkani mass which is at 7 am mass  will be on the 11th of February and not on the 4th of February

5.         There will be No Sunday school on the 4th of February  as we are having the SCC rally and family day

6.         On Sunday 11th  February we would like to have a special mass for the Sick and housebound. We require volunteers to help organise the mass and those who have cars, we would require your services to assist us in bringing the sick and homebound. Others who would like to assist please give your names to any of the Parish Fathers. This mass would be on the world day of the sick and the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, i.e. February 11 at 4 pm. Those who would like to help please give your names by Sunday 4th February.

7.         During the season of Lent we will be taking prayer pilgrimages to Khandala, Igatpuri and Vasai. These will be day-long pilgrimages and will be at subsidised costs. We will update you on the dates and cost of the same.

8.    We have begun the preparations for the Jubilee year  2025. The first year of Preparation is to understand the documents of the 2nd Vatican Council. To offer direction and guidance to the faithful in the Archdiocese of Bombay, informative videos illustrating the Constitutions of Vatican II will be played on Sundays after the announcements Throughout the year, diverse activities for children and youth will be launched. We encourage you to participate in these programs. Today after the announcements we will screen the 1st Video on the Vatican Council.   

9. The Collections are as follows:

a.         Campaign against Hunger and disease: cash 16000/-

b.         Sunday 21st Jan was Rs 33890/ /- We thank you for your generosity 




Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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