1. The readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B remind us that God cares for us deeply and calls us to live in unity and love. They challenge us to trust in His care and to share generously with others.
2. We Wish all our Parents a very Happy Parent's Day, Thank you for taking up the responsibility of being the first Church. We thank all those who participated in the throwball and football matches. We look forward to you Joining our Parents and Grandparents Day celebration. We began with a special Parents Day liturgy at the 6 p.m. Mass on Sunday 28th and then proceed to the undercroft for the cultural programme, games, and dinner.
3. July 31st is the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order. We pray especially for our Jesuit Brothers in our neighbouring Parish of St. Anne’s
4. The parish council will meet on Thursday 1st August after the evening mass, We request all Parish council members to be present.
5. We celebrate the feast of Saint Peter Julian Eymard, the founder of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, on the 2nd of August. We Pray especially for the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, who have their provincial house in Matharpacady village in our Parish.
Friday 2nd August is the First Friday of the Month. After the evening Eucharist at 7 pm, we will have a special Holy Hour Conducted by the Priest of the Parish. We invite you to join us in prayer and bless us with your presence and prayers.
Next Sunday 4th August is the feast of St. John Marie Vianney, the Patron of the diocesan priest and is celebrated as Vianney Sunday. We request you to kindly pray for all Priest that the lord with always strengthen and nourish them. On the occasion of Vianney Sunday, we will be having a special collection for the sick and retired priests. For this purpose, we are giving each family an envelope, Please do make your contributions, the proceeds will go towards the needs of the sick and retired priests at the clergy home. Those who would like to contribute by cheque may do so in the name of the “Archdiocese of Bombay”. Please mention your PAN number and address for receipts. Please note this is a voluntary collection.
8. The Goan Cultural Association of Rosary Parish is having a Thanksgiving Mass followed by a cultural programme in our church on Sunday, 18th August 2024 to celebrate World Goa Day. Passes are available with the members at the Parish Office. For more details please look up the notice board.
9. The Sunday collection on Sunday 21st July was Rs. 31980/- We thank you for your generosity.
