1. Today is the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the gospel through the sermon on the mount and the beatitudes remind us of the key principles of Christian living.
2. A big thank you to all who made the family day/SCC rally possible. Thank you for your time commitment and for going the extra mile.
3. Parish visitation this week is on Tuesday 31st January and Thursday 2nd February from 7 pm onwards. The visitation will be of Zone 2&3. The animators will inform you of the time of the visit.
4. Thursday 2nd February is the feast of the Presentation, The Presentation of the Lord is also known as Candlemas day since the blessing and procession of candles is a part of the liturgy. Christ is the light of the nations, the ‘light of the world’, as well as, in the words of Simeon, ‘the light to enlighten the Gentiles’, hence the blessing of candles on this day. The blessing of Candles will be at the 7 am mass and will begin at the Church Entrance. It is a common practice for the faithful to take the candles home and light them when they need Christ’s intervention such as in times of illness or difficulties.
5. 2nd February is also the day of religious and we remember our sister of Charity of Nazareth in our Prayers.
6. 3rd February is the feast of St. Blaise and the Blessings of the throats. We will bless the throats of those who desire it after the 7 am and 7 pm masses.
7. On Saturday 11th February we would like to have a special mass for the Sick and housebound. We require volunteers to help organize the mass as well as those who have cars, we would require your services to assist us in bringing the sick and homebound. Others who would like to assist please give your names to any of the Parish Fathers. This mass would be on the world day of the sick and the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, i.e. February 11th at 4 pm. Those who would like to help please give your names by Sunday 29th January.
8. On Sunday 12th February we would like to organize a parish football tournament. This Tournament will be conducted on St. Mary's school turf from 10:45 am onwards. This is 5 a side football tournament only for Catholic Parishioners of Rosary Church. The details are on the form which may be collected from the Parish Office. Prizes worth Rs 30,000 are up for grabs to come and have fun. An added attraction is a special exhibition match of a team of the Fathers and Sisters V/s the Children of Rosary church. Please note the Last Day for entries is extended to 31st January.
9. On Saturday 11 February a Bus will be leaving from the Rosary Church gate at 5 am for Nasik for the Infant Jesus Shrine. Those interested please contact the Church office or Mr. Robin Dias.
11. The Collection on Sunday 15th January was Rs 30523/-- We thank you for your generosity.
Fr. Nigel Barrett.
