1. The readings of 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time highlight important lessons about community, wealth, and moral conduct. We see how God’s spirit works in unexpected ways and how serious the call to righteousness is.
2. The women’s cell of the Archdiocese and the women’s cell of Rosary Church are organising a seminar on Financial Literacy on Sunday 29th September from 11 am to 1 pm. This talk will be in the school hall.
3. The First Sunday of October is celebrated as Thanksgiving Sunday in the Archdiocese of Bombay. To thank the Lord for the abundance of blessings that he bestows on us we are having a Thanksgiving meal after the 10am Novena Mass on Sunday 6th October. Passes are available with your parish council members.
4. The Prayer group of our Parish is organising a special praise and worship in the church on Monday 30th September right after the evening mass, all are invited.
5. We enter the month of October which is traditionally the month of the Rosay. The Holy Rosary will be Prayed every day in the Church at 6:30 pm followed by the mass. On the days of the Novenas the Rosary prayer will be led by the community or group animating the liturgy. On other days the legion of Mary will lead us in the Rosary. We will offer the Rosary for the ongoing Synod
6. We request Parents to please bring their Children for the 7 pm evening Mass on October 2nd, the Feast of the Guardian Angels. We would like to initiate them to the Prayer of the Guardian Angel and invoke a special blessing of protection upon our Children.
7. The Parish Council will meet for a brief meeting on Thursday 3rd October. We request all Parish Council members to be present.
8. From 4th Oct (Fri) we will began our Parish Novenas in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary. The theme chosen this year is Journeying with Mary towards a Synodal Church. We invite you all to be part of our preparations as we strive to grow as a loving caring church.
9. We Thank all the communities for their generosity towards the various Homes and families in our Parish. The Total Collection amounted to 1,69,600/-
The collections on Sunday 22nd September Rs 30530-/
We thank you for your generosity.
