1. Today is Palm Sunday, it marks the beginning of Holy Week and focuses on the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As we begin this Holy Week, may we constantly be reminded of its significance and value for our lives today. Palm Sunday is that day in history when Jesus began His journey towards the cross, and by his Cross, we are redeemed. The Vestments used today at Mass on Palm Sunday are red symbolizing our redemption in blood that Christ paid for the world.
2. We thank all the Parish Council members and animators who animated the Community Station of the Cross during the season of Lent.
3. The Holy week Schedule is displayed on the Banner near the Church entrance and the Parish council members will also give you a leaflet of the program. Confessions on the 3rd and 4th of April from 5 to 9 pm. On Maundy Thursday Mass for the sick and Housebound at 5 pm. Maundy Thursday, Mass of the Last Supper 7:00 pm followed by adoration at the Altar of Repose after the service. Good Friday: Stations of the Cross in Konkani at 7 am, in English at 8 am, the 3 hours agony from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm preached by Fr. Shavito, followed by the divine mercy novena. Good Friday service of the Passion of our lord at 6:00 pm.
4. The Lenten Alms collected this year have been earmarked for St Pius X College, Goregaon – the Archdiocesan Seminary of Bombay and goes towards the formation of Priests. Your Parish council members will give you an Envelope for Lenten alms, one for each family. Please put your contributions and drop them in the box kept in front of the Altar. If you wish to give a cheque you may do so in the name of the Archdiocese of Bombay. Please be generous.
5. We would like to provide hampers and an Easter meal for those in need. For members of the Christian Community, we will provide a meal for the family and provision which we estimate to be Rs 1500/- If you wish to sponsor a hamper, you can hand it over to any of the Parish Fathers or to the Parish Office. We hope to give 50 such hampers.
6. In collaboration with Vimala Vikas Kendra, on the occasion of Maundy Thursday the Lord’s Last Supper we would like to give provision to the needy of the slums. A list of provisions required can be viewed on the notice board, you could make the hamper and give it to the VVK office or make a contribution for the hamper valued at Rs 750/- to any of the Parish Fathers / Sisters or to the VVK Office. We hope to give 100 such hampers. We appeal to your generosity.
7. Admission to St. Margaret’s Teachers Training college for Early childhood care and education has opened. For detail refer to the Church Notice board.
8. Those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024 are requested to register their names at the Parish Office along with a copy of their Baptism certificate. Anyone who has completed the 10th standard board examination or is above the age of 15 is eligible. The last date for registering your names with your baptism Certificate and submitting it is 4th June 2023. Classes will commence on 18th June 2023.
9. We will commence with the blessing of water and houses right after Easter. We will also be conducting the Parish council elections in the communities. We have restated the parish based on the shift in demography and numbers. We now with have 6 communities or Zones versus the 9 we had earlier. The Map and list of Buildings in each area will be displayed on the Notice Board and also be circulated via the present Parish council members. If you have any suggestions or recommendations to the new zones, please feel free to contact the Parish Priest.
10. Last Sunday's collection was Rs 41065/- We thank you for your generosity.
