1. Today, we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, a feast that celebrates the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, in the Eucharist. This feast reminds us that When we eat the broken Bread, we unite ourselves with the love of Jesus, who gave his body for us on the wood of the Cross; when we drink from the chalice, we unite ourselves with him who even poured out his blood out of love for us."
2. We congratulate Sr. Vijaya and the teachers of Rosary School for securing 100% in the SCC results.
3. We welcome you back to the Church after your Vacation, We are looking forward to the new academic year and hope to strive to make our Parish a vibrant community, spreading the love of Christ. We want to invite you parishioners to be involved and participate in the life and mission of the Church. We encourage you to bring your Children for Sunday School and encourage them to participate in the Altar servers, Choir and animation of the Liturgy. Sunday school and Confirmation Classes will begin on Sunday 23rd June.
4. The Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday 9th of June 2024 at St. Mary’s Villa, Khandala. All those parishioners who have registered for the picnic are requested to assemble in the church compound by 5:30 a.m. The buses will leave for the villa at 6 a.m. We will return after dinner and reach the church premises by 10 p.m. Further details related to the Parish Picnic will be sent via WhatsApp through your PPC members/ animators. Parishioners who have not yet registered and are interested in attending the picnic are requested to contact their PPC members / Animators. Registration will be on a first-come basis. We have already made an advance payment towards those who have registered and will be making the balance payment soon, hence last date for Parishioners towards cancellation and refund is Tuesday, 4th June.
5. We begin our triduum to the Sacred Heart on Tuesday, June 4th at the 7 pm mass.
4th June: Heart of Jesus, Delight of the Saints
5th June Heart of Jesus, victim of our sins
6th June: Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation.
7th June: Feast Day The Sacred Heart the Fount of Love and Mercy
6. The parish Council will meet on Thursday 6th Of June in the KG Classroom after the evening Mass. We request all Parish Council Members to be Present.
7. We welcome Br. William to our Parish. Brother William will reside in the parish for a year and be involved in all Parish activities.
8. After the announcements, we will screen a short video on the origins and significance of the feast of Corpus Christi.
9. The Sunday collection on May 25th was Rs. 23855 box collection 19080. We thank you for your generosity.