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Announcements 4th December 2022, Second Sunday of Advent


1. Today is the Second Sunday of Advent, the liturgy invites us to Prepare the Way for the Lord, as we hee to John the Baptist's Call. Today the Candle of Peace is lit on the advent wreath.

2. Parish visitation, on Tuesday 6th December will be of t Zone 6 from 7 pm onwards. We would be happy to bless your house, listen to confessions of the housebound and give you holy communion. Your Parish Council members and animators will keep you informed of the scheduled visit. We would like to spend time with you and your family, and we would appreciate it if you do not offer us anything to eat or drink.

3. The Parish Council will meet on Wednesday 7th December in the KG classroom after the evening mass.

4. 8th December is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, The Masses are at 7 am and at 5 pm. The 5 pm mass will be celebrated as by Bishop Alwyn D’silva and will be a thanksgiving for the Silver Jubilee celebration of Vimala Vikas Kendra our Parish Community center. The Liturgy will be of the solemnity of The Immaculate Conception. Please note the change of the evening mass timings (Preponed to 5 pm from 7 pm)

5. Admission to Rosary School have commence on December 1st. Please see the banner on the gate. Admission to St. Mary's ICSC is open please look up the website for details.

6. During the season of Advent, we would like to have a reflection with communities. These reflections will be on Saturdays after the evening mass in the Church. The service would include prayer, reflection and reconciliation service. It would also provide us with an opportunity to interact and meet with you. The next session is on Saturday 10th December for Zones 5,6 7,8 and 9. The Themes for the reflection are on Prophecy, Promise, Fulfilment, and Faith. We do hope you would avail of this opportunity to prepare yourself for the coming of Christ.

7. We would like to have a Carol Night and Christmas Bazar on 17th December Saturday after the Evening Mass. This year we invite you to form a group/ family/community (Duet, quartet, or a small coral group). Most of the members of your group need to be from our parish but outside parishioners are welcome, please register yourself and your group and your Carol with the Parish office. We will limit it to 6 minutes per group/ participant. This is not a competition but an opportunity for us to usher in the spirit of Christmas.

8. The Mass Dairy for 2023 has arrived. Mass for 2023 Jan to March can be booked.

9. Those who wish to have a copy of the Christmas issue of the Examiner dated 17th December will be available at Rs 100 at the parish office. Subscribers and non-subscribers alike would need to purchase a copy. Please book the same at the parish office. Please note the Christmas issue is not part of the annual Subscription.

10. We would like to give a festive hamper on Christmas to our less fortunate Brothers and sister. If any of our Parishioners wishes to sponsor a hamper contact one of the Parish Fathers. We need to make 50 such hampers, the approximate cost is Rs 1500/- each. If you wish to recommend any person or family to receive a hamper, please inform your Parish Council member or one of the Parish Fathers.

11. We invite families to get into the Christmas spirit by making a star. We will provide you with the frame, you would need to take it home and decorate it and bring it to us on the 22nd of December. We will be hanging it Church compound and the Best Star will receive a special price.

12. We invite families to prepare cribs in their homes, this year for the Crib Contest we invite families to read the infancy narratives and make a crib scene that would best represent the time and situation of Jesus. An Original Nativity Scene based on Scripture. Please submit your entries to the Parish office. We will inform you when the judges will come around to see your cribs.

13. The Catholic Gymkhana is having its annual Christmas Carol Nite on Saturday, Dec 10th. Entry fee for members is free for non-members/ Guest the entry is Rs 100/-

14. The Sunday Collection Nov was Rs.27713/. We thank you for your generosity.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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