1. On the 6th Sunday of Easter, Jesus prayers of us his disciples to the Abba Father that we who belong to Him will be protected from every evil that we may encounter.
2. Take Charge, a project by the St. Joseph Educational & Technical Training Trust and the Archdiocese of Bombay, aims to instil a passion for excellence in Catholic youth through formal mentoring. The sixth cohort began in July 2024. For Details Look up the Poster on the Notice Board.
3. During May we will pray the Rosary in the Church at 6:30 pm. We invite volunteers to lead the Community in praying the Rosary.
4. During May Mass timings on Sundays will be at 7:30 am in English, 9:30 am in English and 6 pm. In English. Please note the Change in timings. This Schedule will be effective from Sunday 5th May to Sunday 26th May.
5. The Novena in preparation for the Feast of Pentecost begins on Friday, 10th May. The Novena prayer will be recited after the post-communion prayer at all Masses.
6. The other Collections are as Follows: The Sunday collection on 21st April was Rs. 30060/
We thank you for your generosity.