1. Today we celebrate the feast of the Divine Mercy. It is a reminder of God's incredible love for us that through no merit of ours, God chose to redeem us and restore a broken relationship. St. John Paul II instituted this feast to help us understand that God loves Humanity and “wants us to recognize that his mercy is greater than our sins”.We wish you a very happy feast.
2. The Blessings of Home will carry on, On Monday 8th April Zone 1 after the evening Mass
3. To ensure all Names are registered on the Electoral List for the upcoming Elections on 20th May, Members of BCS have organised a Help Desk on Saturday 6th April after the 7 pm evening mass and Sunday 7th April after the 8.30 am & 10 am. This desk is to help parishioners check, on their Voter ID Card registration and also to assist in checking if names appear in the Voter's List. Kindly avail of these facilities.
4. Those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2025 are requested to register their names at the Parish Office along with a copy of their Baptism certificate. Anyone who has completed the 10th standard board examination or is above 15 is eligible. The last date for registering is 2nd June 2024. Classes will commence from 16th June 2024.
5. Vimala Vikas Kendra seeks student volunteers who have finished their board and semester exams to help with their activities. Interested students can contact Sr. Florina by the 10th of April
6. The Youth of the Parish are organising a 3-day Summer Camp for our Parish Children From 26th to 28th April. We will circulate a Google form Shortly.
7. On April 11 Vimala Vikas Kendra in Collaboration with BCS. Is organising a Health Camp from 10 am to 1 pm. The details are on the Banner in the front of the Church. Kindly register your names with members of the BCS.
8. The Youth are reminded of the meeting after Sunday's 10 am mass in the KG classroom
9. The Collections are as follows
a. Maundy Thursday Rs45130/
b. Good Friday Rs 53660/-
c. Easter Rs 71600/-
d. Passo 12090/
e. 3 hrs the agony Rs.9680/- Passo service and 3hrs Collection h goes towards the Community maintenance fund. We thank you for your generosity.
