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Announcements 7th January 2024, The Feast of Epiphany


1. Today is the feast of the Epiphany, we pray that we too may follow the guiding light that leads us to Christ.

2. Please drop your contribution towards the Camping against Hunger and Disease in the various boxes in the Church.

3. Sunday School has resumed. Please make it a point to bring your child to Sunday School.

4. The next Children for 1st holy communion group will start shortly. Parents are requested to give the names of their Child with their original Baptism Certificate to the Parish Office. The child should be currently Studying in the 3rd STD.

5. As a part of our continued support of the mission, various communities and families of our parish are putting up breakfast stalls. Today 7th Jan the community of Zone 3 will be selling breakfast snacks after the 8:30 and 10 a.m. masses. The proceeds will go towards the missions.

6. Those who have received their first Holy Communion are invited to join the altar servers group. The meeting will be on Saturday, at 5 pm

7. The December issue of the Rosarian happenings has been realised. You can access it on the link provided.

8. The Collection on Sunday 31st  was Rs.25950/- and the collection on the New Year  was New Year Rs 50510/ We thank you for your generosity 



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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