1. Today is the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the readings show us how God works through human weakness and the importance of faith. These themes help us understand how God empowers us and calls us to trust in Him.
2. We place on record our deep appreciation to all those involved in the service of the Church. Your involvement helps us respond to the call to take Christ to all people. Thank you for being a powerhouse of strength and grace and for contributing in making our Parish a Vibrant community.
3. Next weekend, there will be a second collection for “Peter’s Pence”. Peter’s Pence is the name given to the financial support offered by the faithful to the Holy Father as a sign of their sharing in the concern of the Successor of Peter for the many different needs of the Universal Church and the relief of those most in need. There will be a second collection after communion.
4. Senior citizens committee members will be available for membership registration after all the masses on Saturday, Sunday and on weekdays too. Please register as early as possible
5. All are welcome to a free seminar conducted by Dimensions Global and the Women Cell of Salvation Church Dadar. The Seminar is on Entrepreneurship and is Next Saturday 13th July at 6 pm at Salvation Church Hall Dadar West.
6. The Vimala Vikas Kendra will be putting up a Jumble sale and snack Stall next Sunday to 14th July to raise Funds for their various Activities. Please do Patronise the stalls.
7. Next Sunday 14th July we will have the presentation of the Candidates for First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the 8:30 am mass. The presentation of the Candidates for these sacraments is an invitation for the Community to accompany these children with their Prayers.
8. Confession is heard every Saturday from 6:30 pm. Those who wish to make a dialogue confession are requested to make an appointment with any of the priests.
9. It is our endeavour to ensure that no one in our Parish is deprived of basic needs due to insufficient finances for food, education and health. Sometimes those who need help are reluctant or embarrassed to come forward. If you know of any person from our community who is in need, please let us know or bring it to the notice of your Parish Council member and we will follow up with them.
10. The Sunday collection on Sunday 30/07/2024 was Rs. 33060/- and the box collection was Rs. 19900 / We thank you for your generosity.
