Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent; the readings call us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. The readings guide us to reflect on God’s promises and our own spiritual readiness.
In our endeavour to support the missions, we will be organizing breakfast stall put up by the communities. This weekend Zone 4 will put up the breakfast Stalls.
Today we light the ‘Bethlehem Candle to remind us of the dark night when Joseph and Mary found light and warmth in the manger. The wreath service will be a part of the 8:30 am mass.
On 14th and 15th Dec, we will host the Christmas Bazaar. Those who wish to put stalls (please inform Fr. Merwyn of Joe by the 12th December)
Bombay Catholic Sabha will be organizing a seminar in the Undercroft on Property redevelopment. The input will be given by Adv Godfrey Pimenta on Sunday 8th December from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. All are invited.
Admission To Fr. Joseph Pre-primary school have opened. Please see the notice board and the banner for details.
We would like to give a festive hamper on Christmas to our less fortunate brothers and sister. If any parishioners wish to sponsor a hamper, contact one of the parish Fathers. We need to make 50 such hampers and meals and the approximate cost is Rs 1500/- each. If you wish to recommend any person or family to receive a hamper, please inform your Parish Council member or one of the Parish Fathers.
On 14th December, Br. William Paul will be ordained a deacon in our church at a special mass at 10 am. Please do keep him in prayer.
As a part of our endeavour to assist the works of Vimal Vikas kendra we are putting up a white elephant stall. If you have any household articles that you would like to donate to the please do give it to Fr. Merwyn or Joe in the office by 10th December. Please note that We will not accept clothes, you can hand over any other items in good condition to the church office latest by the 10th of Dec.
We begin our Novena in preparation of Christmas on the 15th of December. We invite you all to participate in this spiritual preparation for Christmas. The Novena mass is at 6pm on Sundays and on weekdays at 7 pm. Please come and be a part of this spiritual journey.
Confession in preparation of Christmas is on the 18th and 19th of December. Please do avail of the opportunity to prepare ourselves and be in a state of grace before Christmas.
The collection on Sunday 1st December was Rs 29700 /- and the mission Sunday envelopes was Rs 50260/- by way of Cash and Rs 60,000 by way of Cheques. That is 1,10,260 towards the mission. The First Friday collection was Rs. 7770 /- We thank you for your generosity.
