1. Today's reading, the 5th Sunday in ordinary time, guides us in our faith journey. They remind us of God’s greatness, our call to serve, and the need to trust and follow Jesus.
2. A special blessing for children taking board exams this year will be offered during the 8:30 am Mass on Sunday, 9th February. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to attend.
3. Feb 11th is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and is celebrated as World Day of the Sick. A special mass for the sick and housebound will be held on Saturday, 15th February, at 4 pm. Parish Council members are requested to submit names of attendees to Fr. Nigel, Fr. Merwyn, or Ms. Venessa Remedios (Legion of Mary).
4. Feb 11th is also a Thanksgiving and a welcoming Eucharist for Archbishop John Rodrigues. We invite you to keep him in your prayers. Those who wish to follow the Thanksgiving Eucharist at 5 pm on the 11th of February may tune in to the Archdiocese of Bombay YouTube channel.
5. Each parish in the Archdiocese of Bombay has been invited to accept a jubilee cross and have a jubilee mass. Sunday, 16th February, has been designated for this jubilee Mass. To truly bring in the Jubilee celebration, we will have just 2 masses on Sunday, 16th Feb. The first mass will be at 7 am in Konkani and a jubilee mass at 9 am. Please note the change in mass timing. Evening Mass will remain unchanged. Sunday School is cancelled for the day. All are encouraged to attend.
6. World Marriage Day Celebration: Married couples are invited to a special Mass on Saturday, 15th February, at 7 pm. The liturgy will focus on praying for and enriching marriages.
7. The Parish Council will meet on Wednesday, 12 February, at 8 pm. We request all parish council members to be present.
8. As part of our spiritual preparations for the Jubilee year and beyond, we would like our parishioners to grow in their faith. To facilitate this process, we have invited the Neocatechumenal Way to provide catechesis to the parish. These catechesis sessions will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays after the evening Mass beginning on Wednesday 12th February.
9. We wish to place on record our deep appreciation for Fr. Suresh, who will be leaving our parish to take up his responsibility as a Parish Priest in Hyderabad. We thank him for his service in our parish and wish him all the best in his ministry.
10. This Jubilee year, we aim to send four active parish youth to the Jubilee celebrations in Rome. The parish is covering 50% of the costs. If any Parishioners would like to assist us with sponsorship, please contact Br. William or Fr. Nigel
11. The collection on Sunday, 2nd February, was Rs. 38830. We thank you for your generosity.
