1. Today, is the 10th Sunday in Ordinary time. The readings remind us that a meaningful relationship with God is built on trusting His Word and will. If we want to belong to Christ and be part of his family we need to embrace his will
2. Welcome back to Rosary Church after your Vacation. We are looking forward to the new academic year and hope to strive to make our Parish a vibrant community, spreading the love of Christ. We want to invite you parishioners to be involved and participate in the life and mission of the Church. We encourage you to bring your Children for Sunday School and encourage them to participate in the Altar servers, Choir and animation of the Liturgy. Sunday school and Confirmation Classes will begin on Sunday 23rd June.
3. St. Paul Institute of Communication Education invites applications from students pursuing media and management graduate and postgraduate courses. Registration links to apply are now open, please see the Church Notice board for the details.
4. Don Bosco College Kurla offers the following degree Programmes for the coming academic year. B.com in management studies, B.com in Accounts and Finance, BA in media and Mass communication and B.sc in Hospitality studies. 51% of seats are reserved for Catholics, please visit the website and look for further information on the Church Notice Board.
5. On Saturday 15th June and Sunday 16th June we will have a training program for Parish council members, animators, and heads of associations. A WhatsApp message is circulated with the information to register. We need to close the registrations by 13th June. We request all concerned to register at the earliest.
6. The Sunday collection on June 2nd was Rs. 33300. We thank you for your generosity.