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Announcements April 9th Easter Sunday 2023


1. Out of darkness and suffering comes the greatest triumph of all time, the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ. As we celebrate the resurrected Christ, we are called to share this good news to all we come in contact with. On Behalf of the Parish Fathers and Sisters, we wish you all a very Happy Easter. The Peace and Joy of the Risen Lord be with you all. Please convey our wishes to the Sick and House Bound.

2. We would like to place on record our gratitude to all who came forward to make The Holy Triduum a spiritual experience. Our thanks go out to Vilbert and the Choir for the wonderful singing that enhanced the liturgy. To the Altar servers for always being available to serve at the Lord's Table. To the Lectors for their voluntary service of proclaiming God’s word and the Eucharistic minister for always being available throughout the year to take the Eucharistic Lord to the Sick and Housebound. We Thank the sisters of Charity of Nazareth, for being so involved in all Pastoral activities. We thank our Sacristy, Joe, and David for all the work they do in the Church and for always being willing to go out of their way to assist Parishioners in every way possible. Our Thanks also go out to the Ushers and the volunteers who were part of the Paso service. Our gratitude also goes out to Das, Augustine, and Sabastian our Church workers who spare no efforts in ensuring that the Church and the surroundings are always ready for our services. A big thank you to Fr. Merwyn, the Sisters, and Freda for the flower arrangements and altar decor. A big thank you to the Parish council members and to the animators of the community for always being available to be our Link with the Parishioners of Rosary Church. Our gratitude also to the police and the civil authorities for giving all the required permission to have our service. A Special thanks to the Parish team of Fr Shavito, Fr. Merwyn, and the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, it was a joy working with this priest team who are always willing to be available to the Parish Community. And Finally, to you our dear Parishioners for all the encouragement, support, and love you keep bestowing upon us. We all feel privileged to be part of the Rosarian family.

3. We will commence with the blessing of water and houses during this week. We will also be conducting the Parish council elections in the communities. We have reorganized the parish based on the shift of demography and numbers. We now with have 6 communities or Zones verses the 9 we had earlier. The list of Buildings in each area is displayed on the Notice Board. The Easter Blessing masses will be at 7 pm in the Church, followed by the interaction and elections in the Basement. Please make it a point to be present for the new Zone Community Mass and Blessing and Election

The schedule is as follows.

a. Wednesday 12th April Zone 1 Area from Nasir Palace/ Khan Building to D’lima Street end. (Currently parts of Zone 1, 2&3, and 4). This List of Buildings from the area is on the notice board.

b. Thursday 13th April Zone 2 (Dockyard area, Nawab tank, Dockyard Market, copper street, P DeMello road to the Petrol Pump) Currently Zone 1 and Zone 4

c. Friday 14th April Zones 3 Nawab Nagar, Belvedere Road, St. Peters to Mazagaon circle, Yash appts, Rosary House KISHANT APTS and SURYAKUND (Earlier Zone 5 & 6)

d. Monday 17th April Zone 4 MIRANDA HOUSE Lion’s Den, Gunpowder Road, Tulsi wadi, MAZGAON TOWERS, Sheetal Apts, TAMBAWALLA BLDG, etc (Earlier Zone 6 and 7)

e. Tuesday 18 April Zone 5 The village and Monarch Apartments Netra Appts, PORBANDAR APARTMENT, and Hira appts (Earlier Zone 7 and 8)

f. Wednesday 19th April Zone 6 Currently Zone 9 with a few additions

4. The Lenten Alms collected this year have been earmarked for St Pius X College, Goregaon – the Archdiocesan Seminary of Bombay and goes towards the formation of Priests. Please put your contributions and drop them in the box kept in front of the Altar. If you wish to give a cheque you may do so in the name of the Archdiocese of Bombay.

5. We thank you for your generosity towards the hamper for the parish and Vimala Vikhas

6. Those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024 are requested to register their names at the Parish Office along with a copy of their Baptism certificate. Anyone who has completed the 10th standard board examination or is above the age of 15 is eligible. The last date for registering your names with your baptism Certificate is submitting the same is 4th June 2023. Classes will commence on 18th June 2023.

7. Joseph Cardijn Technical School offers a month-long technical trade training, especially for those who have completed their SSC or HSC. For details look up the notice board.

8. Vimala Vikas Kendra seeks student volunteers who have finished their board and semester exams to help out in their activities. Interested students can contact Sr. Florina by the 10th of April.

9. Last Sunday's collection was Rs 41221/- Maundy Thursday 47851/ Good Friday 49341 We thank you for your generosity.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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