1. Today is the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary time, the Eucharistic invites us to understand what it takes to live as an authentic disciples
2. We have began the novenas for nativity of our blessed mother. The Novenas will start at 7 pm with the Vespers followed by the Novena Mass. The children are virtually taken from one country to another to experience the various Shires and devotions. We thank all those who came forward to sponsor the snacks for the children, many of you have made contributions without us making an appeal. We truly appreciate your generosity. As a part of our outreach, we are responding to the needs of 4 homes and 2 NGOs. They are Shepherds’ home, St. Anthony home, St. Joseph Home and Our lady’s home. The NGOs are Jeeva Dhara and Vimala Vikas. On 8th September is the day of the Girl Child, a special collection will be made at all masses for this need. The amount collected will go towards the educational needs of Girl children.
3. On account of the Novena’s, we will not have the devotion to the Perpetual Succour on Wednesday 7th September.
4. On Monday 5th September we celebrate Teachers Day. We will prayer for all teachers and we invite teachers of our Parish to join us in prayer at the Eucharist at 7 am. We request the Parish council members to please keep us informed about the number of teachers attending as we would like to provided them with breakfast after the mass.
5. The Bombay Catholic Sabha Rosary Unit is offering scholarships for deserving Catholic students from our parish. The scholarship is for academic and sports. The Conditions are that the student must be in residence in our parish and one of the parents should be a Sabha member. Those who have appeared for SSC, ICSE HSC, graduation and post graduation. The forms are available at the Sabha members and details are on the notice board. The last date for submission is 8th September.
6. A Special Scholarship in memory of late Mr Mervyn and Mrs Felicia Valladares, has been instituted by the family in remembrance of their parents. This scholarship is for the education of any girl child for academic excellence. This scholarship will be given on 8th September. Application forms are available with the Parish office. The last date for submission is today 4th September.
7. The Parish Council will meet on Sunday 4th September at 11 am in the KG classroom.
8. As decided at the Parish Council Rosary Feast celebration will be a three-day event. One of them on 8th October will be Rosarian Cultural Day. In order to enlighten and keep our cultures aglow, we have decided to put up a cultural show, which will showcase the various cultures of our Parish. If you wish to participate, kindly contact Fr. Merwyn. A Google form will also be sent to you shortly via your Ppc members. The last date to enlist your names is 24th September.
9. The Legion of Mary of St. Ignatius Church, Jacob circle is organising the Annual Marian walking pilgrimage to Mount Mary’s Basilica, Bandra starting on Saturday, September 10th 20221 at 10:30 pm from St. Ignatius church and will end with a Thanksgiving Eucharist at 5:30 am at the Mount. All are welcome to participate in this Spiritual exercise.
10. The youth council of the South Bombay Deanery presents 'Deanery Youth Day 2022' which be held on Saturday, 17th of September at Our Lady of Rosary Church, Dockyard Road. All youth of the parish from 16 to 25 years are invited for this event. Those interested can reach out to Hazel, our youth representative to register.
11. The Sunday collection amounted to Rs. 28584/-- We thank you for your generosity.
Fr. Nigel Barrett
