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Announcements July 16th, 2023, 15th Sunday Ordinary Time


Updated: Jul 17, 2023

1. Today is the 15th Sunday of Ordinary time. Jesus, through the Parable of the Sower, reminds us to be good and productive soil. May our faith bear fruitful service.

2. We request all Parish council members, Animators of the Communities, Lectors, Sunday school Teachers, Choir members, the Youth Council, the Youth group executive committee, youth group and all association heads and core groups to ensure your members a present for a group photograph. This is required for the updating of the website. This will be next Sunday 23rd July after the 8:30 am and 10 am mass. The Photographer will be available from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Please do cooperate with us by coming as a full team.

3. The Youth of our Parish invite all parents to the upcoming Parents and Grandparents Day on Sunday, July 30th. The theme chosen is Parents, Our Everyday Heroes. We will celebrate Parents Day with a special liturgy at the 6 p.m. Mass on Sunday 30th and then proceed to the undercroft for the cultural programme, games, and dinner. Passes are available via the Youth Council and Parish Council at Rs50 per head. If anyone has a difficulty kindly approach any one of the parish fathers.

4. A special attraction on Sunday, July 23rd, as a part of our Parents Day celebrations is a mothers vs. daughters throwball match and a Fathers vs. Sons Football match. This will take place on the tuff after the 10 a.m. mass. Those mothers and fathers interested in participating, please register yourselves via the Google form circulated.

5. A link to the e-copy of Rosarian Happening dated May June 2023 has been shared by your Community Leaders. If you have not received the link, please get in touch with them.

6. The First Friday collection was Rs. 6600/-. and the Sunday collection on 09th July was Rs. 28920/- This collection goes towards the needs of the Archdioceses. Thank you for your Generosity.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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