1. Today is the 13th Sunday of Ordinary time. The Liturgy invites us to be true disciples of Jesus and follow him not only in words but in deeds. The joy of discipleship it the gift of eternal life.
2. Confession is heard every Saturday from 6:30 pm. Those who wish to make a dialogue confession are requested to take an appointment with any of the priests.
3. The Rosarian Senior Citizens Association will have its annual general body meeting on Sunday 2nd July after the 10 am mass, They will also have Housie after the 10 am mass on Sunday 9th July and on Thursday 13th July they will have a prayer meeting in the Kg class at 6 pm. We invite all senior citizens to join the Senior Citizen's activities.
4. It is our endeavour to ensure that no one in our Parish is deprived because of a lack of finances for food, education, and health. Sometimes those who need help are reluctant or embarrassed to come forward. If you know of any person from our community who is in need, please let us know or bring it to the notice of your Parish Council member and we will follow up with them.
5. On account of the training program for the Parish Council and Youth, the confirmation and the Sunday school children will all have their classes in the school building which is above the basement. The 7 to the 10th Std and Confirmation students are requested to proceed to the school after the mass.
6. We thank all those who participated in the St. John the Baptist (Sao Joao) celebrations and tele games on Sunday. We also thank the youth who organized the event.
7. The CBCI has called for all churches to organize a day of prayer for the victims of violence in Manipur and to pray for peace to return in Manipur. We will have a special half-hour adoration on Sunday 2nd July at 5:30 pm followed by the evening mass. We invite you all to join in Prayer
8. Friday 7th July is the first Friday of the Month. There will be a half-hour of adoration at 7 pm Followed by mass.
9. Next Sunday is Faith Formation Sunday. We will have the commissioning of the catechist at the 8:30 mass and we pray that we all grow in the faith we profess.
10. Vimla Vikas Kendra is extremely grateful to all the parishioners for your constant support and generous contributions. The community center has been able to provide rations to 100 needy families amounting to Rs 69200. Thank you for your generosity. Donors seeking the 10BE receipts for your donations, please view the notice board for further details.
11. The Sunday collection on 27th June was Rs. 33420 This collection goes towards the works of the parish. Thank you for your Generosity.
