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Announcements June 11th, 2023 Feast of Corpus Christi


1. Today, we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, a feast that celebrates the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, in the Eucharist. This feast reminds us that When we eat the broken Bread, we unite ourselves with the love of Jesus, who gave his body for us on the wood of the Cross; when we drink from the chalice, we unite ourselves with him who even poured out his blood out of love for us.".

2. We are looking forward to the new academic year and hope to strive to make our Parish a vibrant community, spreading the love of Christ. We want to invite you parishioners to be involved and participate in the life and mission of the Church. We encourage you to bring your Children for Sunday School and encourage them to participate in the Altar servers, Choir, and animation of the Liturgy.

3. Our Confirmation Classes and Sunday School will commence on June 18th after the 8:30 mass. We are looking forward to having all of you children back in Sunday school.

4. We congratulate Sr. Vijaya and the teachers of Rosary School for securing 100% in their SCC results.

5. We begin our triduum to the Sacred Heart on Tuesday, June 13th at the 7 pm mass.

13th June: Finding Peace in the Heart of Christ

14th June: Finding Mercy in the Heart of Christ

15th June: Finding Hope in the Heart of Christ

Feast day 16th June: The Sacred Heart the fount of Love and mercy.

6. We would like to restart the media commission of the Parish, Those interested in social media and journalism and would like to join and assist in communication please give your names to Fr. Nigel by Sunday the 18th of June.

7. The youth Council will have its first meeting on Sunday 18th June after the 10 am mass, requesting all youth who volunteered for the youth Council to please be present.

8. We welcome Br. Edward Haris to our Parish, Bro. Edward will be assisting us in weekend parish Ministry

9. The Sunday collection on 4th June was Rs. 29720. This collection goes towards the projects of the Archdioceses. The First Friday collection was Rs 9050 /- Thank you for your Generosity.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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