1. Today is the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Liturgy invites us to respond with a generous spirit in collaborating with the mission to build God's Kingdom
2. We welcome our Confirmation and Sunday School children back to Sunday school. Classes are after the 8:30 mass. We are looking forward to a faith-filled year ahead. We will also meet with the parents of the confirmation Children after the 8:30 am mass.
3. To celebrate the feast of St. John the Baptist (Sao Joao) the Rosarian Active youth have organized tele games on Sunday 25th June. kindly register online via the Google link which will be sent to your PPC members or contact Ben and Daniel. We encourage parishioners to participate.
4. Those who have given their names for the media commission are requested to be present for a meeting on Tuesday 20th June in the Kg classroom after the evening mass.
5. Our Altar servers meet regularly on Saturdays at 5 pm. We encourage you to send you Children to serve mass
6. Confession is heard every Saturday from 6:30 pm. Those who wish to make a dialogue confession are requested to take an appointment with any of the priests.
7. The youth Council are reminded that they will have their first meeting today Sunday 18th June after the 10 am mass, requesting all youth who volunteered for the youth Council to please be present.
8. Next Sunday 25th June is celebrated as Laity Sunday, we will have a special thanksgiving mass for all the lay faithful who serve the church in various ways. We will also have the induction of the new Parish Council. This will be at the 8:30 am mass.
9. The Sunday collection on 11th June was Rs. 27180. This collection goes towards the projects of the Archdioceses. Thank you for your Generosity.
