1. Today is the feast of Corpus Christi, the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ which honours the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
2. We welcome Fr. Merwyn D’souza to our Parish team and wish him a fruitful ministry here in the Parish.
3. As announced last Sunday we have reworked portfolios and communities between the various Priest. After a Pastoral meeting with our Sisters, we will also allot communities and portfolios to be ministered by them.
4. The Priest -in- Charge of the different Zones are as follows.
a. Zone 1, 2&3: Fr. Merwyn
b. Zone 4,5,6 : Fr. Nigel
c. Zone 7,8, 9 : Fr. Shavito
5. The Other portfolios are broadly classified into the following:
a. Social Out Reach/ Projects towards the upliftment of the poor, Education and Political and civic issues and Spirituality are looked after by Fr. Nigel
b. Liturgy and Liturgical animation (Which includes Choirs, EM ,PLT Lectors Altar Servers etc) Fr. Merwyn
c. Faith Formation (Sunday School, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation, Pre- Baptism) and Youth Ministry Fr. Shavito.
A detailed list of all portfolios will be shortly available on the website.
6. The Parish council will meet on Thursday 17th June, via virtual meeting. A link will be sent out shortly. After feedback received through the Parish council, we will take a call on the proposal to take the Holy Eucharist to your communities after the online mass
7. We thank you for your generosity in these troubled times. Your Contributions towards the Church repairs has resulted in us being debt free and your contributions towards the community fund has enabled us to keep reaching out to Parishioners who are struggling. If you know of any family that needs assistance with food or medical supplies, please do let us know and we will do our best to ensure that they are taken care of. It is our endeavour as a parish community that there is none in want.
8. On Friday, 11th June we celebrate the feast of the Scared Heart of Jesus. In Honour of the Sacred Heart we will have an online Triduum starting on Tuesday 8th June. The Themes are as Follows.
Tuesday, 8th June by Fr Nigel
The History of the feast and its relevance for us in this Pandemic
Wednesday, 9th June by Fr Merwyn
The Meaning of Symbols of the Passion in the Sacred Heart (crown of thorns, Cross and droplets of blood)
Thursday, 10th June by Fr Shavito
The Meaning of the Symbols of Glory (flames and rays of Light)
Friday, 11th June - Feast Day
Consecrating ourselves and families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
9. We wish you all a very Happy Feast - Corpus Christi. Have a blessed Sunday.
Fr. Nigel Barrett
Parish Priest