1. Today is the feast of the Pentecost, the birth of the Church, we prayer for a renewal of the Holy Spirit in our lives so that we too may go forth with apostolic zeal and take the Good News of Christ to the ends of the earth.
2. We request those who are coming to play on the recently created an AstroTurf facility to ensure that you park your vehicles in front of the Church. Please do not bring your vehicles right into the undercroft. We thank you in anticipation for your cooperation.
3. It has been brought to our attention that certain individuals are approaching Parishioners with the purpose of selling health products saying that they have been given data from Rosary church. Please note we have not given any Data nor have we given any recommendation to any persons. Please do not to entertain any such person who say that they have come from Rosary church.
4. Wednesday 31st May is the last day of the Rosary, we will conduct the Rosary after the evening Mass. Please do join us as we give thanks to Mary our Mother. Light refreshments will be serviced after the Rosary.
5. The Mass dairy for July, August, and September opens on 1st June from 10 am onwards.
6. June 2nd is the 1st Friday of the Month, there will be a half-hour adoration at 7 pm before the Eucharist.
7. The Parish Council meets on the 1st Thursday of every Month. This meeting will fall on Thursday 8th June at 7:45 pm. We request all the Parish Council members who have been elected by the communities to kindly be present for the 1st Meeting.
8. Those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024 are requested to register their names at the Parish Office along with a copy of their Baptism certificate. Anyone who has completed the 10th standard board examination or is above the age of 15 is eligible. The last date for registering your names with your baptism Certificate and submitting the same is 4th June 2023. Classes will commence on 18th June 2023.
9. We begin our triduum to the Sacred Heart on Tuesday, June 13that the 7 pm mass. 13th June the theme: Finding Peace in the Heart of Christ
14th June the theme: Finding Mercy in the Heart of Christ
15th June the theme: Finding Hope in the Heart of Christ
Feast day 16th June: The Sacred Heart the fount of Love and mercy.
10. The Mass timings from next Sunday, June 4th is at 7 am, 8:30 am and 10 am. Mass in the evening at 6 pm
11. The Sunday collection on 21st May was Rs. 28992 /- Thank you for your Generosity.
