1. Today is the 32th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the readings invite us to embrace lady wisdom and be in a state of readiness
2. There will be no Sunday school today Sunday 12th November.
3. We have begun our Parish visitation; on Tuesday 14th November we will visit the remaining houses of Zone 3. The visitation is from 7:30 p.m. onwards. The purpose of the visit is to spend time with you, please do not serve us anything to eat or drink.
4. Admission forms for Lower K.G. at Villa Teresa School will be available online at their website www.vtsmumbai.org from Thursday, 16th November to Saturday, 16th December 2023.
5. Registration Forms for admission to the Junior Kindergarten of St. Anne’s High School, Fort and St. Agnes Byculla for the Academic Year 2024-2025 will be available online on the school website from 1st November to 17th November 2023. For details, please refer to the school website or the school notice board.
6. Admission for St. Isabel school have opened online. Please refer to the notice board for details.
7. On World Day of the Poor 19th November, we will a launch a special project of cooking and feeding the poor. We will be cooking a vegetable Khichadi lunch for 300 homeless /cancer patients living on the streets in Parel. Those who have volunteered please be present on Saturday Nov 18th from 5pm onwards in Church basement to help in cleaning & cutting vegetables.
8. Those who have volunteered for the Nov 19th, please be available from 6.30 am onwards to assist in washing and cooking. We will departure from Rosary Church at 12 noon or 12.30pm - On-site packing and distribution of food packets and items at Tata Hospital.
9. The feast of Christ the King is on Sunday 26th November. There will be a general adoration and Holy Hour after the 10 am mass in our church. In the evening we will assembly at St. Peters School Chapel, where we will have an adoration service at 3:30 and will take a Eucharistic procession to St. Joseph’s Church Umerkhadi.
10. The collections are as follows
a. All Souls box collection Rs. 16230/-
b. Box collection Rs.2790/-
c. First Friday collection Rs.8000/-
d. Sunday 05/11/23 Collection R.32580/-. We thank you for your generosity.
