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Announcements November 26th Feast of Christ the King


1. Today is the feast of Christ the King, who, though He was in the form of God, He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

2. We thank all those who help purchase, clean, cut, cook and distribute food packets to those in need outside Tata Memorial Hospital. God Bless you for your giving and serving spirit.

3. Parish visitation; on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th November we will be visiting houses in Zone 1. Your animators will inform you which houses will be visited. The visitation is from 7:30 p.m. onwards. The purpose of the visit is to spend time with you, please do not serve us anything to eat or drink.

4. The Vimala Vikas Kendra is organising a White Elephant Stall on Saturday 2nd December 2023 as an effort to raise funds towards the missions. Parishioner are encouraged to come forward and donate usable items in good condition for the same. The items will have to be dropped off at the VVK centre between 24th and 26th November from 5-8pm.

5. On Saturday and Sunday 2nd/3rd December the feast of St. Francis Xavier we will be have NGOs putt up stalls. The stalls are put up by Centre For Social Action (CSA) of the Archdiocese of Bombay, as part of their mission outreach initiative, works in Raigad with tribal community to train them for generating sustainable livelihoods. Food and non-food products made by the tribal will be put up for sale in our parish. The Nirmala Niketan sisters who run a community college in Talasari are also putting up handicraft Items made by the tribals community. We invite you to come with friends and family to patronise the stalls

6. Volunteers interested in participating in the Carol Singing programme are requested to give their names in the Parish office latest by Sunday, 26th November.

7. Today is the feast of Christ the King, there will be a general adoration and Holy Hour after the 10 am mass. In the evening we will assembly at St. Peters School Chapel, where we will have an adoration service at 3:30 and will take a Eucharistic procession to St. Joseph’s Church Umerkhadi. There is no evening mass.

8. St. Xavier’s College has introduced a new program called the Xavier’s Global Leadership Program. It is a program that will assist students find opportunities to study and work in the USA. The details of the program are on the notice board.

9. Rosary Church BCS Unit and Head Office Mahim along with our Parish will be organising a Seminar titled " Lead the Nation / Join the Civil Services" for all Parents & Students from 8th standard onwards. Students who would like to opt or know how to join the services as IAS OR IPS OFFICERS. Come listen to Our Chief Guest and Motivational Speaker will be Honourable J. Jayakumar Joint Commissioner of Police (Admin) IPS who will share his success to motivate our youth. This will be held on Sunday 3rd December 2023 at 10.15 am in the Rosary School Hall 3rd floor. Kindly check the notice board for more details.

10. The parish Pastoral Council will meet on Monday 4th December after the evening mass. Please note the change in date. Requesting all Parish council members to be present.

11. On Sunday 3rd the Feast of Francis Xavier, Goan cultural association is offering the 10 am mass which will be a bilingual mass in English and Konkani. After mass there a sale of Goan food items like choriz pao, sannas and sorpotel, baath, etc. Profits of the sale will be donated towards the missions.

12. The Rosarians Senior Citizen association are having their Christmas Bumper Housie on Sunday 10th December after the 10 am mass.

13. The Mass Book for January 2024 to March 2024 will open on 1st December 2023, you are invited to book your masses

14. Friday 1st December is the First Friday of the Month, there will be an half hour adoration followed by the Mass.

15. The collection on Sunday 19th November was Rs 28300 We thank you for your generosity.

16. Those who wish to contribute an article or a recipe for the Rosarian Happening please get in touch with Fr. Nigel

17. The Christmas issue of the Examiner will be available from the 16th of December, those who wish to have a copy please book the same with the Parish Office. Those who subscribe annual to the Examiner will get it free as a part of their subscription.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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