1. Today is the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary time, Jesus invites us to confront those who do not live by the law of Christ with Love.
2. The Bombay Catholic Sabha Rosary Unit is offering annual scholarships for our parish's deserving Catholic students. Details are on the notice board.
3. We thank the women’s cell for organising the Day of the Girl Child, in our parish with a program for female domestic workers. Thank you for going out of your way to say thank you for all the services rendered.
4. We thank all the Sunday school teachers, children’s choir, altar servers and Sunday school children for animating the liturgy during the Novenas. A big thank you to all the sponsors for your generosity. We thank all the communities for your generous contributions towards the needs of the various homes. God Bless you for always responding so positively.
5. The Bombay Catholic Sabha Rosary Unit is organising a medical camp covering Bone Density, Diabetes, Dental care and an Eye Check-up. The camp will be held on 24th September after the morning mass. The registration will be done On Saturday and Sunday 9 & 10th September and 16th and 17th September. The registration fee is Rs 20/- Details are on the notice board.
6. Next Sunday 17th September there will be no Sunday school
7. The youth Council will meet on Sunday 17th September after the 10 a.m. mass in the undercroft. We request all youth Council members to be present.
8. The collections are as follows
a. 1st Friday Rs.13260/-
b. Sunday 03/09/23 Rs. 33370/- This collection goes towards the needs of the Archdioceses.
c. The contribution of the communities for the nativity offerings is Rs 208310 We thank you for your generosity.
