1. Today is the 24th Sunday of Ordinary time, Jesus invites us to understand and you the power of compassion and forgiveness.
2. Today Sunday 17th September there will be no Sunday school.
3. The Bombay Catholic Sabha Rosary Unit is organising a medical camp covering Bone Density, Diabetes, Dental care and an Eye Check-up. The camp will be held on 24th September after the morning mass. The registration will be done On Saturday and Sunday 16th and 17th of September. The registration fee is Rs 20/- Details are on the banner displayed near the Kg classrooms.
4. Vimla Vikas Kendra is seeking for committed volunteers preferably teachers who would like to help in the study class project for the slum children. Those interested may kindly contact Sr. Florina.
5. The youth Council will meet on Sunday 17th September after the 10 a.m. mass in the Kg classroom. We request all youth Council members to be present.
6. In preparation for the feast of St. Vincent De Paul, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Rosary High School, Dockyard will begin the 9-day novena to their Patron Saint on 18th September from 7.45 to 8. 00 p.m. in the convent Chapel. All parishioners are welcome to join the sisters for the novenas.
7. Our parish has been assisting the mission at Mahad over the years. This year we hope to support them by selling on their behalf organic Haldi powder. We count on your support to ensure the sale of this Haldi which is available at the Parish Office for Rs 200 for 500gms.
8. The collection for Sunday 10/09/1022 is Rs. 26720 /- this collection goes towards the needs of the Archdioceses. Thank you for your generosity
