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Justice Sunday: August 20th, 2023, 20th Sunday Ordinary Time


1. Today is the 20th Sunday of Ordinary time, Jesus’s encounter with the Canaanite woman reminds us that perseverance and faith works wonders. Today is also celebrated as Justice Sunday. The CBCI Office of Justice and Peace has chosen the theme Building Bridges. Every human person is called to sow seeds of love in a world constantly battling with apathy, hatred, intolerance and violence. Building bridges of Love is what Our Lord taught us: may we do likewise

2. Today, Our Parish hosts the South Mumbai Deanery Faith Formation Day for Sunday School children from classes 5 and 6. We welcome them to our Parish and Please keep them and their Catechists in your prayers so that they may have a faith-filled experience.

3. We thank the Family cell for a wonderful picnic experience on 15th August. Thank you for all you do to bring life and joy in the Parish.

4. The Bombay Catholic Sabha Rosary Unit is offering its annual scholarships for deserving Catholic students from our parish. The scholarship is for academics and sports for the year 2022-23. The forms are available at the parish office. Details are on the notice board.

5. A Special Scholarship in memory of the late Mr Mervyn and Mrs Felicia Valladares has been instituted by the family in remembrance of their parents. This scholarship is for the education of any girl child for academic excellence. This scholarship will be given on 8th September. Application forms are available with the Parish office. The last date for submission is 30th August.

6. The 9 days of Novenas in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady will be prayed during the 7:00 p.m. Mass every evening from 30th August till the feast day on 8th September, except on Sunday. On Sunday the Novena will be prayed at the 8.30 am Children’s Mass. As the Nativity Novena is a devotion special to children, we will have special activities prepared for them during each day of the Novena. In case you would like to sponsor any of the activities/ snacks, please contact Fr. Shavito or any of the Parish Fathers We invite all the faithful especially the Sunday school children to attend this devotion in large numbers.

5. As a part of our outreach for the Novenas, we are responding to the needs of 4 homes. They are Shepherd’s Home, St. Anthony Home, St. Joseph Home and Our Lady’s Home. Our inquiries with them have provided a list of requirements. A detailed list will be put on the Notice Board and the same will be circulated through the Parish council. Each community for the sake of organisation is allotted one day however they are free to make contributions for more than 1 day. Since these are homes it’s advisable for a community/ zone to collectively contribute towards the offering so as to maintain uniformity. Your parish council members will approach you for your assistance. Please do extend your support to this endeavour.

6. To celebrate the Day of the Girl Child, the Women's Cell of our parish is organising a get-together with lunch titled 'Dhanyavaad' on the 09th of September from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM. It is open to all female domestic workers working in our homes. We request all parishioners cooperate with us in this endeavour and send their domestic helpers on this day. For registration and further details please look up the notice board.

8. Please drop in your contribution for the Clergy fund, and the Manipur Relief in the boxes placed at various points in the Church

9. The collection for Sunday, August 13th, was Rs. 27452 /-. This collection goes towards the needs of Archdioceses. The collection to date for the Clergy Fund is Rs 82780/- in cash and Rs 126500 in cheques (A Total of Rs 209280: Two lakhs nine thousand two hundred and eighty)

The collection for the relief measures in Manipur till date is Rs 85300 in Cash and Rs 2,02000 in cheques (A total of Rs 287300/- Two lakhs eighty-seven thousand three hundred) Thank you for your generosity.



Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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