1. Today’s liturgy is of the 27th Sunday of Ordinary time
2. Sunday School and confirmation class today after the 8:15 am mass.
3. We have completed the visitation of the Parish. If your house has not been visited for any reason, we request you to kindly inform your Parish Council representatives. We will resume the visitation of those houses after the Parish feast.
4. On 7th October the actual feast day, we will be screening a short movie on the Rosary after the Mass. Please do stay behind to draw strength and inspiration from this beautiful prayer of the Church.
5. We will be starting the project to provide meals for our members of our parish community. The meals will start from Tuesday 8th October. If there are any sponsors or individuals who wish to contribute to this project please meet the parish priest.
6. This year for the Rosary Feast we are having a 3-day fete.
Thursday 10th: Country and western night with Line dancing and a Barbeque.
Friday 11th: Black and Red night
Saturday12th: The Rosarian Prince/ Princess, King/Queen, Emperor/ Empress inspired by Biblical characters.
The entry fee is Rs 50/- for all 3 days and entry is reserved only for members of our community. There will be food and game stalls put up by the youth and the communities. All proceeds will be going for the Missions.
7. On the Feast day 13th October there will be one only two masses. The 7:00 am mass in Konkani and a 9 am mass in English which is the feast Mass. There will be no evening mass. The Parish get together will be in the evening at 6:30 pm. Do come in and celebrate the Bond of being family. The registration fee is Rs 50/- and includes snacks and dinner. The Parish Council members and animators will approach you with donation Passes. Do book your place as soon as possible.
8. Altar servers will have their meetings every Sunday after the Sunday school. We encourage parents to send their child to participate in this ministry of the Church
9. We encourage Parishioners to make their contributions towards the community maintenance fund. It is from this fund that we assist people for medical expenses, educational help and community activities.
Please look up the notice board for the detailed income and expenditure.
Fr. Nigel Barrett Parish Priest