1. Today is Palm Sunday, Jesus enters Jerusalem as a triumphant King, to the adulation of the crowds. The very same crowds who shouted Hosana, Hosana, would soon turn hostile and shout crucify him. We are called to recognise the Kingship of Jesus and follow his servant leadership.
2. Every Year in the season of Lent the Archdiocese calls on the faithful to contribute to the Lenten Alms. This collection goes to St Pius X College, Goregaon – the Archdiocesan Seminary of Bombay and goes towards the formation of Priests. You must have received envelopes through your Community Leaders. Please put your contributions and drop them in the box kept in the Church. If you wish to give a cheque you may do so in the name of the Archdiocese of Bombay.
3. After the Evening Mass on Palm Sunday we have a special Lenten mission which includes music, prayer, reflections and a live tableau. We invite all parishioners to attend and be part of this mission. Priests will be available for Confession.
4. Confessions will also be heard on Tuesday from 5 to 9 pm.
5. Please Look up the Holy Week Schedule on the Banner in the front of the Church. On Maundy Thursday Mass is at 5 pm. This eucharistic celebration is specifically meant for the sick and caregivers. The Mass at 7 pm celebrates the institution of both the Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. This is followed by the Prayers at Altar repose.
6. Good Friday the stations of the Cross will be at 7 am in Konkani and 8 am in English. At 9:30 the 3-hour agony will be preached by Fr. Nigel and will be followed by the divine mercy Chaplet. The Good Friday Service will begin at 6 pm.
7. BCS will be selling Hot Cross Buns after the 5 pm and 7 pm mass on the 28th Maundy Thursday.
8. To ensure all Names are registered on the Electoral List for the upcoming Elections on 20th May, Members of BCS have organised a Help Desk on Saturday 6th April after the 7 pm evening mass and Sunday 7th April after the 8.30 am & 10 am. This desk is to help parishioners check, on their Voter ID Card registration and also to assist in checking if names appear in the Voter's List. Kindly avail of these facilities.
9. As Catholics, we are encouraged to vote in the electoral process in accordance with our conscience.
10. The Diocesan Youth Centre is organising Camps for youth who have completed their SSC, HSC and Degree College students in April. Details of the Camps and how to register are on the Notice Board. Please avail of these opportunities.
11. We would like to provide members of the Christian Community with provision hampers and an Easter meal for the whole family. The estimated cost is Rs 1500/- If you wish to sponsor a hamper, you can contact any of the Parish Fathers or the Parish Office. We hope to give 30 such hampers.
12. The collection on Sunday 10th March ₹ 32740/-We thank you for your generosity
